Beat Your Wobbly Inner Thigh Fat

Beat Your Wobbly Inner Thigh Fat

Beat Your Wobbly Inner Thigh Fat

What causes fat in the inner thigh region?

Women tend to store excess fat in their hips, buttocks, lower abdomen and inner thighs. If you consume more kilojoules than you burn, your body stores those extra kilojoules in the form of fat. Unfortunately you can’t choose where your body stores fat. It is mainly determined by genes, gender and body shape.

Even natural skinny ladies can struggle with stubborn inner thigh fat, and unfortunately you can’t spot reduce any body part. So if you want to lose inner thigh fat, you must realise that you will need to lose fat on other parts of your body too.

How to burn fat

  • You need to “burn” the fat layer by doing cardiovascular exercises by doing exercises that increase your heart rate, such as HIIT and circuit exercise programs available on the LK Fitness app. Brisk walking, jogging or cycling for 30 minutes or longer are also examples of cardio.
  • Do specific toning exercises for the inner thighs, like the exercise below. Toning exercises and resistance exercises tone your muscles, as well as increase your overall muscle percentage. And, since muscles burn fat, it’s a double win!
  • Follow a healthy eating plan and make sure to eat appropriate portions.

A toning exercise for inner thighs

You can do the following exercise 3 – 5 times a week to strengthen the inner thigh muscles:

  • Make sure you have a firm cushion for the exercise. You can also use a beach ball.
  • Sit upright on the couch/chair and place the sturdy pillow/ball between your legs.
  • Push your legs together and your knees towards each other to hold the cushion firmer.
  • Release and tighten, release and tighten, continue in this way.

  • Beginners: 3 sets of 10
  • Intermediate: 3 sets of 20
  • Advanced: 3 sets of 40

For daily exercise programs and healthy eating plans, download the app.

Slip Into Your Skinny Jeans

Glip in jou skinny jeans in. Werk jou binnebene!

Met hierdie oefening hoef jy nie meer bekommerd te wees oor bobene wat teenmekaar skuur as jy op die strand loop nie. Dié isometriese oefening werk anders as gewone oefeninge wat jou binnebene versterk. Dit werk diep en intensief, daar waar jy dit die nodigste het.

Druk met jou voete binnetoe

Sit op die vloer met jou bene reguit voor jou uitgestrek en plaas jou voete weerskante van ‘n stewige stoel of kas. Hou jou rug regop en jou hande langs jou boude. Druk nou met jou voete na binnekant teen die stoel/kas, so hard as wat jy kan. Hou dit so vir 30 tot 60 sekondes, sonder om te ontspan.

Maak dit moeiliker

Om dit meer uitdagend te maak, moenie jou hande gebruik om jouself te stut nie. Lig dit op voor jou en hou jou arms voor jou gevou. Op die manier werk jou binnebene harder én jou maagspiere word ook betrek. Hou jou maag ingetrek. Jy kan hierdie oefening 3 keer per week, 2 of 3 keer per dag doen.


Weeklikse oefen- en eetplanne!

Kliek hier vir die app: LK Fitness App